
Renovating Your Landscape: Mid-Summer Makeovers featuring a stone pathway and curved garden wall surrounded by lush, vibrant hydrangeas and purple salvia in a beautifully maintained garden.

Renovating Your Landscape: Mid-Summer Makeovers

By Julian / July 14, 2024

As the Bay Area embraces the full swing of summer, many homeowners look around their yards and contemplate the potential for a fresh, vibrant outdoor makeover. Renovating your landscape mid-summer offers not only a chance to revitalize your garden but also to enhance the overall appeal and functionality of your outdoor living spaces. With strategic…

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Bay Area Property Owners: Maximize Savings with Smart Irrigation

Bay Area Property Owners: Maximize Savings with Smart Irrigation

By Julian / July 24, 2023

As a property owner in the Bay Area, you’re no stranger to the challenge of maintaining a beautiful landscape while simultaneously coping with water restrictions and unpredictable weather patterns. This Smart Irrigation Month, it’s time to transform the way you manage your landscape. In this comprehensive article, “Bay Area Property Owners: Maximize Savings with Smart…

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Male hands installing pipe to ensure Smart Irrigation and Water Conservation

Bay Area Guide to Smart Irrigation and Water Conservation

By Julian / July 18, 2023

In the heart of summer, Bay Area property owners are increasingly turning their attention to one of the world’s most precious resources – water. The challenge of maintaining lush landscapes while practicing responsible water use has never been more paramount. This July, as we observe Smart Irrigation Month, it’s time to spotlight how new technologies…

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Smart irrigation controller distributing water on a green lawn

Smart Irrigation Controllers: Boosting Lawn Health in the Bay Area

By Julian / May 5, 2023

Here at Bayscape, our primary mission is to help you turn your lawn into an extraordinary outdoor sanctuary. We believe in empowering our clients with the knowledge and techniques needed to create a lush, healthy lawn, and while our previous guide revealed the secrets to unlocking your lawn’s full potential, this article will continue to…

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July & August Gardening Tips. Hint: Water!

By Julian / June 22, 2020

July and August is a crucial time in the Bay Area for gardeners and landscapers. Depending on where you are in the Bay, and your level of fog, you will have different choices about what to plant and when. We’ve compiled a few tips to consider as we head into late summer. According to the…

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Save Money! Water Wisely

By Julian / May 30, 2019

July is Irrigation Month! “Smart” irrigation technology is essential to maintaining our beautiful Santa Clara County landscapes. Whether your business property is big or small, multiple campuses, HOA, turf and landscape or golf applications, there are many ways you can get “smart” about irrigation. If you are a homeowner looking for ways to conserve water,…

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Why We Take Soil Samples (And You Should Too)

By Julian / October 10, 2018

When it comes to landscape installation or building gardens, we always take a soil sample. Plants have varying needs and will respond differently to particular types of soil. Soil sampling is important to determine soil texture, pH level, and the soil nutrients in order to grow the proper trees, shrubs, and turf. A soil test…

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4 Signs of Overwatering Plants

By Julian / October 7, 2018

Ever wonder if you are overwatering your plants? Chances are, the plants are probably getting more water than they need. There are a few obvious overwatering signs. If you can identify these four warning signs, your plant can still thrive! 1. Got brown and wilty leaves? Many mistake this for a dry plant, quite the…

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How To Renovate Your Yard (And Get Paid To Do It)

By Julian / February 26, 2018

Did you know:  You can get paid $1-$2 per square foot to convert your yard to a more sustainable landscape. Yep, it’s true. Because of the extensive drought affecting California for the past several years, an old program that pays property owners to make their landscape more sustainable has been reinstated. By removing non-native, water-intensive plants…

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Preventing Wildfire Destruction: Removing Embers from ‘Home Ignition Zones’

By Julian / February 15, 2018

Research by the National Fire Protection Agency around home destruction vs. survival in wildfires point to embers and small flames as the most common and frequent way that the majority of homes ignite in wildfires. What is an Ember? Embers are burning pieces of airborne wood and/or vegetation that can be carried more than a…

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