
Beautiful summer garden with heat-resistant plants including vibrant purple salvia, red begonias, and a variety of flowers in full bloom, flanked by stone walls and garden steps.

Summer Garden Care with Heat-Resistant Plants

By Julian / July 1, 2024

As the sweltering days of summer approach, Bay Area property owners face the yearly challenge of maintaining vibrant, lush gardens despite the intense heat. With climate variability at its peak, understanding the right strategies for drought-resistant gardening and selecting Bay Area heat-tolerant plants can turn a struggling summer garden into a thriving oasis. Embracing Heat-Tolerant…

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Bay Area Pruning Guide: Techniques for Healthy Trees & Shrubs

By Julian / April 2, 2023

A flourishing landscape can transform the aesthetic appeal of your Bay Area property, but keeping those trees and shrubs healthy requires more than just regular watering and occasional fertilizing. In this, our “Bay Area Pruning Guide: Techniques for Healthy Trees & Shrubs,” we unveil the secrets to maintaining a vibrant, thriving landscape in Northern California.…

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5 Tips for Getting Your Trees through the Drought

By Julian / September 25, 2015

From water shortages to brush fires, the evidence is clear that the drought afflicting California is serious business. Everywhere you look, you’ll find warnings to avoid wasting water and incentives for conservation and responsible use. One of the best things that you can do for the earth – and your yard – during a drought…

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Preparing your Trees for El Nino

By Julian / September 25, 2015

Forecasters everywhere have been predicting that 2015 will serve Californians an El Niño to remember. In fact, The Weather Channel recently forecasted that it could last well into the spring of 2016! Everyone will need to prepare for the influx of rains in different ways – if you’ve got a creek, get those sandbags ready…

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Why Your HOA Board Should Be Talking About Mulch

By Julian / May 2, 2014

Why Your HOA Board Should Be Talking About Mulching Around Trees Trees: they’re associated with hugging, nature, life itself – and with good reason. The environmental, societal, and economic impact of these shade-giving, oxygen-producing plants is enormous. And tree mulch? It turns out that small, 2-4 inch pile of matter surrounding the base of the…

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