
Why Smart Irrigation Controllers are the Best Thing Since Sliced Bread

By Julian / February 23, 2015

California’s drought is now more than a regional story: coverage of the emergency conditions – and our response to them – spans from international news outlets to this week’s TIME magazine. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), almost 9 billion gallons of water is used every day in the United States for residential outdoor water use, primarily for landscape irrigation. The agency estimates that 50 percent of that water is wasted due to overwatering.

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When Planting Bare Roots Sends You Running For Cover

By Julian / February 18, 2015

  February – the season of Valentine cards and chocolates, presidential birthdays, and Girl Scout cookies.   The second month of the year may be known for its holidays and special occasions, but it’s also still a great time to plant bare root plants and trees.   Bare root plants, whether the fruit trees, berries,…

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Why Smart and Savvy Landscapers Plant Gardens In Fall

By Julian / October 10, 2014

If looking out the window at your drab garden elicits a sigh of exasperation rather than admiration, or if scanning your Instagram feed has you envying the lush fall colors of your friend’s tree-lined street in upstate New York – it might be time to rethink your fall garden. Yes, the peak season for planting…

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The Dummies Guide to Tree Planting in the Bay Area

By Julian / August 11, 2014

Planting and nourishing healthy trees is about more than digging a hole in the ground and dropping in a sapling. Still, it doesn’t have to be complicated. A little research and work on the back-end can help you figure how to plant a tree and when to plant a tree on your Bay Area property an…

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What Your Mom Didn’t Tell You About Your Bay-Friendly Landscape (& Global Warming)

By Julian / June 22, 2014

Fewer things invoke Americana like a bit of Mom’s advice. You know, that you should eat carrots to improve your vision, make your bed as soon as you wake up, clean behind your ears, and whatever you do – don’t make that face, because it will most certainly freeze that way.   But there’s some wisdom…

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Why Planting Summer Bulbs Makes the World A Better Place

By Julian / January 27, 2014

Sure, it was spring-blooming daffodils that inspired poet William Wordsworth to pen his famous ode to the golden flowers in all of their dancing glory. But summer bulbs – think dahlias, callas, cannas, gladiolas, and so many more – can bring an equally breathtaking splash of color to your landscape. And since our Mediterranean climate brings with it an early spring, April is the perfect time to start planting these versatile, cost-efficient beauties.

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